Thank you for supporting the Lord’s work at Calvary Christian School through Online Giving! Giving to God’s work is such a wonderful expression of our love for Him!
Thank you
for partnering with Calvary Christian School through generous gifts as we seek to “train up children in the way they should go”! (Prov. 22:6)
Secure online and recurring gifts are safe and inexpensive ways for you to have a greater impact on the work God has called Calvary Christian School to do. Online giving increases the reliability of funding for the school and expands our ability to provide a greater degree of educational excellence for His glory and for the benefit of the children. Your faithful giving produces greater fruit for His glory — fruit that will also abound to your heavenly account.
(Phil. 4:17)
To make a single or recurring gift to the school online, simply select one of the options below. If you like, you can also set up an account to manage your giving to the school. Gifts can be made electronically by check or debit card, and recurring gifts can be set up to be given weekly, bi-weekly, on the 1st and 15th of the month, or monthly.
Thank you again for your support and faithfulness!
To Give by Mail
Our Address:
Calvary Christian School
536 S. Main Street
King, NC 27021
We appreciate your financial partnership in the work of the Lord at Calvary Christian School!
1. Is it safe to give online?
Yes. The security of the system is continually managed by which isused by over 4,000 churches nationwide. In many ways, online giving is safer than writing a check because an electronic gift cannot be lost or stolen.
2. Will I be charged a fee if I use online giving?
No. You will not pay any fees with your online gift but you can cover our transaction fees if your would like.
3. Does it matter if I select electronic check or debit card as my method of payment?
Yes. Electronic checks benefit the ministry more than debit cards. (But we are grateful for and welcome all gifts, whether given by electronic check, credit, or debit card.) The church pays much less for each electronic check transaction, regardless of the amount. For debit or credit card transactions, the card processing company charges the church a percentage of each gift.
4. Can I use a credit card?
We do accept contributions made by debit and credit card, but we prefer ACH Debit transactions.
5. From what types of bank accounts can you give?
You can give from any checking or savings account.
6. Can I make one-at-a-time contributions? And can I control when they come out of my account?
Yes. And you can designate your gifts to come out of your account immediately or schedule them to come out on the date(s) you specify.
7. Once I have set up my donor account, can I change my personal information, or the amount or frequency of my gifts?
Yes. You can change or cancel your gift at any time before the date the contribution is scheduled to be paid. You can also change the bank you use or any other information in your personal profile. Simply log in to your personal account using your username and password and make the necessary changes.
8. Can I review individual donations and my giving history online?
Yes. After you set up your account, simply log in to view a complete history of your online contributions.
9. Will I receive regular contribution statements from the church?
Yes. The church will continue to send year-end contribution statements to your address on file for tax purposes.
10. When will contributions be taken out of my account?
Debit card transactions are initiated immediately and will appear on your account within 3 business days. Electronic check transactions will come out of your bank account within 7 business days. If the date of your gift falls on a weekend or holiday, the transaction will be initiated the next business day.
11. Can I designate my gift for a particular project or cause?
Yes. You can designate your gift(s) by filling out the memo line below your gift.
12. How will I know if I set up my gift correctly?
Immediately after submitting your contribution, you will receive an e-mail verifying your gift.
13. Can I use any web browser?
Yes. Any browser will work.
14. What should I do if I receive an email stating that my contribution did not go through?
When transactions don’t go through, it is usually because of a typo. Double check your routing and account numbers and try again.
15. Who can I talk to if I have more questions?
We are glad to answer any questions that you might have. To send us an email message, simply email Or you can call us at 336-983-3743 (Ask for the bookkeeper).
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