Our goal is to provide excellent academic training and educate each child to his or her fullest potential. Every class at Calvary consistently performs well above the national average, as reflected by our annual achievement test scores. Read More
We are committed to educating our students with current technology through computer lab access, online coursework, classroom laptops and mobile devices, and access to carefully selected, filtered and monitored online resources. Technology in school gives Calvary students a great opportunity to learn, engage, communicate, and develop skills that will prepare them for work, life, and citizenship in the 21st century. Click here for more information.
Cougar sports are fun and exciting! But more importantly, our entire program rests on the principles behind three words that identify our sports philosophy - CHRISTIAN STUDENT ATHLETE. This simple phrase conveys the order in which we want our athletes to prioritize their lives. Our first and highest challenge for all of our team players is for them to be sincere, dedicated Christians. After that we expect them to give 110% both in the classroom and on the ball court or field. Read More
Security and safety for our students is extremely important to us. An electronic door lock system and anti-bullying strategies are some of the measures we apply to insure that each child can come to school in safety. Click here for more information.
Our Parent/Student handbook is a guide designed to help parents and students understand the opportunities and responsibilities that are part of enrollment at CCS. The importance of parent and student cooperation cannot be understated regarding each child's educational and spiritual training. Please read the handbook carefully, and contact the school office if you have any questions.
Our school calendar is rich with opportunities for student growth and parent involvement. Here is a printable "pdf" version of our school calendar for your convenience.
Extra-curricular opportunities abound for students of all ages, including speech, band, piano, state fine arts competition, recitals, banquets, basketball, soccer, baseball, football, cheerleading for 1st - 12th grades, and more.
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